The following programs were made in
Flash and will load up
instantly in any web browser that has Flash Player...

Flash StuntZ To
celebrate my 10-year anniversary, some of my classic creations are being remade
as free online Flash games! And what better way to begin than with the
very concept that started it all almost 10 years ago to the day. Flash StuntZ
is a polished new
2D interpretation of the gameplay we saw in the Big BumpZ series, where
you play a wrestler sacrificing his body in order to perform stunts in the name
of entertainment. It boasts the most sophisticated flight physics yet - as
run-ups and jump power affect the moves you land and the points you score. And
with access to all 6 different kinds of jump, there are more moves than ever to
discover! Who'd have thought this much MDickie action would ever be
contained in a web browser? It's time to get addicted all over again...
here to download the file to run full-screen (4.6mb)

Sure Shot
The original was hailed as a "gem" by
PC Utilities
magazine, and now Sure Shot has found its natural home as an
online Flash game! The retro concept is better suited to this format and
can now be played instantly to kill a few minutes wherever you happen to be.
Firing from each side of the battlefield, you have to catch enemies in your
cross-fire without hitting each other (which is more difficult than it sounds).
Simply hit the
Left or Right cursors to fire from either side. Use Up and Down to tug at the
rope bomb, before hitting Space
to detonate it for multiple kills! If you prefer,
you can also click on various game elements as though it were a touch-screen
mobile app...
here to download the file to run full-screen
Enter into a meditative state and examine the
contents of your soul as they churn throughout numerous lifetimes! Simply swipe
left or right as the character traits circle your consciousness and strive to
turn the negatives into positives. Only when you've purified your soul can you
achieve the liberation known as "Moksha". But the closer you get to
enlightenment, the fast the wheel of life spins to throw you off! See how many
lifetimes it takes you to succeed...
here to download the file to run full-screen

CM Punk's Promo Cutter
When CM Punk's landmark "worked shoot" caught my
attention (along with everybody else's), I felt moved to enshrine it in a little
game of its own. This program brings the iconic scene to life on your desktop -
but allows YOU to control which words spill out of Punk's mouth! If you thought
delivering a promo of that calibre was easy, this will test your ability to
deliver each line at the right time. Different remarks are attached to keys
A-Z, 1-0, Enter, Shift, and Ctrl. You can also
randomize with Space Bar, and turning left or right with the cursors
opens up 2 different sets of quotes. It's fun to either recreate what was really
said or to mix & match statements of your own!

The Path To Enlightenment: Survival Edition
This is a Buddhist interpretation of the classic
Snake game that challenges you to control a young
Siddhartha Gautama as he roams around the confines of his
courtyard. As in the famous story, you must ensure that he doesn't come
into contact with the hazards of illness, old age, or death for as long as
possible. It becomes harder and harder with each passing moment - reflecting the
futility of a life lived in denial! Simply use the cursors or mouse clicks to
guide Buddha's movements up, down, left, or right...
Click here to download the file to run full-screen

The Path To Enlightenment: Wisdom Edition
This alternative version of the Buddha game gives
you an additional target as you avoid the threats of disease, old age, and
death. You must guide Buddha towards the meditating guru who will feed him nuggets of wisdom that
lead to enlightenment! These include the "4 Noble Truths", "8-Fold Path", and "5
Precepts" - which is great for becoming familiar with those
teachings. Simply use the cursors or mouse clicks to guide Buddha's
movements up, down, left, or right...
Click here to download the file to run full-screen

Anthropic Principle
simple game challenges you to recreate the perfect circumstances for life! Click
your mouse button to strike the perfect balance between "Push", "Pull", and the
position of the sun to create planet Earth. Any other combination will create
one of the 8 other planets in our solar system, complete with a brief
explanation as to how they came to be. The game is designed to demonstrate the "Anthropic
Principle", which ponders whether our existence is perfectly logical or so
unlikely as to invite the involvement of God. The "Strong Anthropic Principle"
is when we click once a time - appreciating how difficult it would be to stumble
across perfection by chance. The "Weak Anthropic Principle" is when we click
repeatedly - acknowledging that there are many planets in the universe (and
possibly many universes too!) so at least one of them should hit the target. The
game is not entirely scientifically accurate, but it may still be used to become
familiar with the solar system.
here to download the file to run full-screen

Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? This is an interactive
version of the popular Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?
designed for teaching purposes (as recommended in the Steer report!). It
is dedicated to the subject of Religious Education (up to GCSE level), featuring
categories dedicated to all 6 major faiths and relevant philosophy. The controls
should be self-explanatory. You simply use the mouse to click on any option you
want. Clicking on an answer once will highlight it (for suspense!) and clicking
it again will confirm the answer. If a question is
unsuitable, you can click on it to replace it with another. You can also click
on the "Lifelines" to make use of those. Although only "50/50" is relevant to
the gameplay. The other two are merely icons that you can toggle on and off to
record your use of them. It is suggested that "Phone A Friend" allows the
student to ask another member of the class, whereas "Ask The Audience" requires
that they make sense of the group shouting out in chorus!
Click here to download the file to run full-screen

QI: Quite Interesting
This is an interactive version of the unconventional quiz
QI - which rewards "interesting" answers and rejects obvious ones! This
particular version is dedicated to matters of religion and is designed for
teaching purposes. After posing each seemingly obvious question, you can choose
to punish weak answers by clicking on Alan Davies or reveal an interesting fact
by clicking on Jimmy Carr.
If you'd like to skip to a different question, simply click on the host Stephen
Fry. The game is good for challenging preconceptions and provoking debate...
Click here to
download the file to run full-screen

Guess Who
This is a
religious interpretation of the popular Guess Who? format, which
challenges the player to identify a third party from the clues given. In this
case, players must identify which of the 6 major faiths the individual in
question belongs to. Every 5 seconds a new clue will be given - ranging from red
herrings to dead giveaways - and the player must click on the correct answer as
soon as possible. It's great for sharpening up one's understanding of the
differences (and similarities) between each faith - especially the 3 Abrahamic
here to download the file to run full-screen

Family Fortunes This is an interactive
version of the popular Family Fortunes
TV show designed for teaching purposes. It is dedicated to the subject of
Religious Education and features categories
relevant to all 6 major faiths. For
those unfamiliar with the format, it's a fun and effective way of imparting any
information that takes the form of a list! You simply ask the participants to
suggest answers for the given category and then reveal them if they are there by
clicking on the line. If the answer is not there, you can register an error by
clicking on up to 3 crosses. It is suggested that people play in teams, offering
an answer one by one or passing control to the opposing team if they cannot.
Whoever completes the board wins the round. Since there's no way for the game to
process spoken answers, the presentation requires that the teacher learns the
answers in advance. To assist in this, you will notice that the answers are
revealed in pale blue whenever you run the cursor over an option. Take care not
to let the audience see this when resorting to it...
here to download the file to run full-screen

A simple interactive timer for presentation purposes. Simply click on the
required time to count down from there - complete with tense sound effects for
the last 30 seconds! Click again at any point to cancel...
Click here
to download the file to run full-screen

Federation Online Not a
complete project so much as my first ever experiment in Flash way back in
2002! Suffice to say, it never amounted to anything because the programming was
alien to me back then. But at the time it was a nice little showcase for the
improved 2D visuals that were being developed...

Copyright © MDickie 2000 - 2010